Gta Sa Crash Fix

Posted on by  admin

Re: CLEO 4 causing my game to instantly crash Reply #3 on: July 04, 2012, 08:23:25 am I had the exact same problem, this is how i fiex it, On both GTA SA and on SAMP You gonna make them run has adinistrator, Right ClickPropertiesCompactibilit(baddd grammar)Then run has Administrator! Thats how i solved it, hope it works for you. Go onto your GTA San Andreas folder via steamapps/gtasanandreas and and right click gta-sa (game) 2. Set the compatbilty mode to WindowsME/98 and hit apply (will delete save game) 3. Then click on the data folder in the GTA SA steam folder then click on GTA.dat 4. Enter this IMG MODELSPLAYER.IMG and hit save 5. Load up GTA SA and set the res to 1024 x 768 6. Trimakasih sbelumnya. Tapi kok masih tidak berpengaruh ya?? Teman teman, GTA SA kalian itu mengalami kerusakan alias Appcrash. Saya sudah pakai berbagai cara untuk mengatasi hal ini, termasuk memakai patch fix crash ini, tapi masih tidak berpengaruh. Bisa tolong bantuannya admin-admin

  1. Gta Sa Crash Fix Upload By Karim Aboud

Gta Sa Crash Fix Upload By Karim Aboud

Posted by3 years ago

Ever since I upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 8, GTA San Andreas keeps getting a black screen at the Rockstar Logo. I can still hear the sound (which sounds like spray paint) but the screen is black and nothing happens after the sound stops playing. I tried downgrading back to Windows 8, and it actually started working again.

Why is the game not working on Win10? I have the Steam version, downgraded it and installed a couple of CLEO mods, but I just can't figure out how to get this game working.


Were you able to determine which mod was causing the crash ?
Does the crash happen in other Cluckin' Bell restaurants too ? How about the Pizza and Burger shops ? I recall having a similar issue


with crashing when going into a shop, but it's been years so I don't remember the cause, or if it affected only Cluckin' Bell.

( I wouldn't be surprised if someone has made a mod by now that keeps him healthy without having to eat. )

- Are you using the old game saves, or other files in your Username>Documents> GTA San Andreas Client authentication in ssl. folder after reinstalling without the mods ?

If so, those files may be corrupt.

[ EDIT: To verify this you can re-name the folder as back up in case using new files does not help.]

I still have the game, but it's been years since I did more than have a quick drive around the streets, so I forget what happens if you don't eat.

Does he start to go woozy and spin out ?

What I do remember is having to keep the girl friend happy got to be a nuisance very quickly, and it got worse in GTA4 because

he has to keep both a girl friend and cousin happy.. Boring!

Anyway.. You may find an answer on one of the GTA mod site forums.

EDIT: It this game is also a pirated copy as you said your copies of Bioshock 1&2 Remastered are, you will need to seek help

at a pirate forum.



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