Can You Delete Dmg Files After Installing
Aug 29, 2017 - One of the reasons why your Mac's performance slows down is a lack of free space on your hard drive. In this article, we will share 5 tips which. Managing and installing applications distributed with DMG files. You now can delete the DMG file if you would like, but you may prefer to store it on an external drive or in another safe.
Can I delete a pkg
file after I install its content? I mean if this is a little app can I delete the installation file without breaking the installed application?
4 Answers
To answer your question(s), generally speaking, yes, you can delete the container file whether it be a .pkg, .dmg or .zip file. This of course assumes that all content of the container file has been installed. In other words, some .dmg files might contain extras in a separate folder within that are not installed when you drag and drop the app into Applications.
Can You Delete Dmg Files After Installing Windows
So use common sense when making the decision to delete the container. Obviously if the container contains a single file and you install it, then there is no need to retain it if you don't mind downloading again if for some reason it's needed again.
user3439894user3439894The answer is yes. You can delete the .pkg/.dmg/.zip file after installing the app. It will not affect the app as both files are different. These packages are just containers.
PratikPratikTake care that some installers (.pkg files) may also contain a menu/button for properly uninstalling the app. Browse the app's doc to see if this is mentioned. If so, it is a good idea to keep the .pkg file somewhere (external drive, .)
Yes, it's no longer required to run the application so it's safe to delete. Personally I like to archive a copy first, in case I ever want to re-install an app or version of an app that's no longer available. So at this point I have a network drive with thousands of DMG and PKG files on it..
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I downloaded software (Skype), installed it everything works fine. The only annoying thing is that the dmg image always appears after rebooting. I'm new to Mac OS X.
EDIT: It's exactly as described here but it reappears after reboot.
Chealion3 Answers
The same thing happened to me shortly after I moved to a Mac. I made the same mistake you probably did: I ran Firefox from its .dmg file, and every time I ran it, the .dmg re-opened on my desktop. The way to install an application on a Mac (once you have downloaded it) is to:
- Open its .dmg
- Drag the application file inside it to your or the system's applications folder
- Drag the application's icon from the application folder (not from the .dmg) to the dock, if you want it there
- Right-click or cmd-click the .dmg file and eject it.
- Delete the .dmg file - it was just a shipping container.
For your currently sort-of-installed Skype, right click the Skype icon on the dock, select options, and uncheck 'Open at Login'. Drag the Skype icon off the dock (it goes poof! and disappears). Re-do the install as above. If you want it to start whenever you log in, use the dock icon again to select that option.
A few questions to try and figure out what is going on:
When you installed the Skype app, did you drag it to the
folder?Are you running Skype from the disk image, rather than from your hard drive?
How long to run variable speed pool pump. When you say reappear, where does it reappear? As as
file in theDownloads
folder? As a mounted disk image in the disk area (i.e. top left-hand corner) of Finder?
I had a similar issue with a DMG file sitting in Places within my Finder. I couldn't seem to delete or remove the file - regardless of what I did. Same as the person above, when I right clicked on the item, it brought up the preferences for finder. If I double clicked on the item, it told me that it couldn't find the file.
I am assuming that somewhere along the line, I installed the software, somehow dragged the .dmg file into the places section and then had deleted / ejected the original DMG File -- leaving the file in my places.
After thinking about it a bit, I went searching for the original file on the net which I strangely couldn't find. It was some random installer for WebEx software that I think auto installed when I participated in a webex conference.
So, I tried to trick it. I renamed another .dmg file to the same name as the ghost file and then double clicked to open it. The .dmg file showed up in my 'devices' section -- actually with the correct .dmg info, not the renamed file.
HOWEVER, now when I right clicked on the ghost file, it gave me the option to remove the item from the sidebar -- which is what I wanted to do. I then ejected the .dmg file and problem solved.
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