Mmd Rwby Dark Sea Adventure Pyrrha
Nov 18, 2017 - Watch RWBYMMD Scream (Yang, Pyrrha) on, the best hardcore porn site. MMD RWBY PSY Gentleman- Nora Jic Jic. 39,834 hentai game FREE videos found on XVIDEOS for this search. Game ryona violated heroine 3d hentai game game hentai hentai cartoon hentai animation anime game mugen sfm sprite game gallery rpg mmd hentai 3d hentai game gallery hentai gallery hentai games hentai gameplay. Marle and the Labyrinth of the Dark Sea Battle fuck scene. RWBY is also based on seasons in some ways. Since the fourth volume would portray winter in that sense, it's probably going to get really dark. The Grimm Pyrrha theory coming true wouldn't surprise me.
Here we are, the reboot for 'Weight of a Name!' Welcome back to anyone returning from the original, and welcome to anyone new!
The tl;dr is that the story I had been writing deviated so far from my original script that I was honestly bumbling a bit with my plot. I saw that people still liked it, and I'm very grateful for that. Even so, I don't want to be giving people something I'm not proud of myself, so I felt renewing it was the best course of action!
Going to be following my original plot this time around, which means events are shifted around, or changed entirely. If this first chapter isn't immediately obvious to long time readers.
Enjoy, and as always, thank you for reading! Love you all!
Left foot forward. Shoulders straight. Head up. Not that forward!
Weiss drew a sharp breath and exhaled, letting her frustration leave with it. Over the noise of other initiates sparring and the shouting of instructors she was having a dreadful time of keeping herself in order. Above everything else though…
Her eyes snapped to the initiate charging her, a pair of emerald eyes shining, a toothy grin daring her to make a move. The young fighter dragged his shortsword and swept at her, a move that couldn't have been more obvious if he'd tried. Pressing her hand against Myrtenaster's edge she stepped back, catching the sword and letting the boy's momentum carry him, punishing the over-extension with a rasp on the back. He stumbled and nearly tripped on his own feet, the dolt.
Above everything else that could be distracting her in the moment there was one noise above all else that grated on her nerves. Narrowing her eyes, she took up another stance and readied herself, eyes locked on the initiate's as he twirled his sword. All for show. If he'd actually any ability, then he'd have landed a strike by now. Weiss was much more concerned by…
'You got this, Weiss! Kick his butt!' A squirrely voice interrupted her thoughts again, driving a wedge like a pickax into stone.
Weiss spared Ruby a sideways glance before shutting her out again. Or trying to. The boy lunged, wooden sword missing her head by a wide margin, arm pushed aside. Graceful as a dancer Weiss pirouetted and slapped the back of his knee with her padded rapier. She stepped back, and an errant swing missed wide. Exposed, she capitalized on the mistake, pushing Myrtenaster into the boy's leather vest, forcing him down and kicking his chest. On his back and defenseless she held her weapon to his clavicle, a satisfied smile appearing when he released his weapon, hands raised.
'The winner of this match is Miss Schnee!' Proctor Oobleck's voice somehow carried over all others. Wild green hair bounced about with a will of its own as he gestured wildly, a jumble of words spilling forth from his mouth. Weiss paid them no mind, extending a hand to the boy and frowning as he bat it aside.
'I don't need help from no bastard…'
Anger spiked, and a spiteful remark clawed at her throat, begging to be released. Weiss refused and instead stepped back and nodded, her hand dropping to her side. She watched as the boy gathered his training sword, their eyes meeting for a second before he stormed off of the ring. He didn't look back, pushing through a few of their fellow initiates and throwing his training weapon into a bin before leaving the hall.
Now she allowed herself to vent, a quiet, frustrated sigh slipping through barely parted lips. He had challenged her. He had demanded she allow him to spar against her, so she had. And now she was somehow at fault? Was she supposed to let him win? Weiss tightened her grip on Myrtenaster and turned on her heel, making it only three steps until she was called for.
'Wait! Weiss!'
If it was Ruby again she'd have glared daggers. Fortunately, the one calling her wasn't an over excitable brunette, but a redheaded Mistralan whose disarming smile helped chase away Weiss' irritation. Smiling back at Pyrrha she placed her hand on her hip, playing coy. 'Yes, Pyrrha? Whatever could you want?' She tilted her head and smiled, eyeing the sword and shield Pyrrha carried.
'Would you care for one more sparring session? I understand if you'd prefer not to,' Pyrrha's smile widened. 'Though… Perhaps you'd like a proper match?'
Weiss let Myrtenaster bounce in her palm, pursing her lips. 'Well… I could end on a sour note, being insulted, or I could let the prestigious Miss Nikos make a fool of me.' Her compliment made Pyrrha's cheeks flush and she giggled at the sight. For a young woman who could handle some proctors she was as meek as a mouse at times. 'I suppose losing to you isn't such a bad thing. Very well.'
'Oh come now, you act as though you've already lost!' Pyrrha twirled her sword preemptively in one hand and tapped the ridge of her shield, wood echoing dully. She lowered her stance, feet shoulders width apart, knees bent. 'Give yourself a little more credit.'
'Aren't you the one who always preaches humility?'
'I just expect a little more fight from the 'Ice Queen',' Pyrrha jabbed with a wink.
Oobleck cleared his throat and clapped his hands, silencing the girls' exchange. 'Ladies, do I understand correctly that you two are going to be dueling then? Or are we here to trade compliments?'
Weiss rolled her eyes. 'Duel, sir.'
'Very well. You know the rules! No magic, and the match stops when one fighter surrenders, or when I call for it. Are we clear?' Both girls nodded at once. 'Excellent. Then you may begin at your leisure!'
Sparring against the nameless boy - he had a name, Weiss just didn't care to know it, was one thing. Pyrrha ranked top of their class in combat, and in the top five when it came to academics. Weiss topped that list, yet unless they were about to have a pop quiz that strength would do her no good here. She welcomed the chance to pit her own skills against her friend's, and it wasn't as though either would truly be upset should they lose.
Weiss drowned out Ruby's incessant cheering, now split between both of her friends. She ignored the crowd slowly gathering around their tiny ring in the hall, ignoring the murmurs of their peers. Pyrrha continued to smile. It was friendly, but it was also one that exuded confidence. Pyrrha was good and she knew it. Weiss would have to be just a little bit better.
Light armor clinked and Pyrrha's leg pivoted, and in an instant Weiss closed the gap. Myrtenaster scraped across the face of Pyrrha's shield, her sword catching Weiss' cloak. Why hadn't she removed it before this duel? Stupid mistake number one. Lowering her weapon, the Schnee jumped over a low sweep, feet catching Pyrrha's shield. Weiss curled herself up, crouching on the shield and being thrown back, ducking under another slash, wood searing through the air. Myrtenaster deflected a backhanded swing, and Weiss' own thrust missed when Pyrrha spun on her heel.
It wasn't enough to deflect Pyrrha's sword. A shield was a weapon if one knew how to make it one, and Pyrrha's command was impeccable. Weiss caught the blade with Myrtenaster's handguard, air rushing from her lungs as the wooden buckler slammed into her stomach. Staggering back and ducking under another swing, Weiss struck the underside of Pyrrha's shield, knocking the redhead off balance. Scoring a strike on Pyrrha's thigh, Weiss clicked her tongue as she felt the edge of a sword rack against her hip.
Like waves on a shoreline the duel ebbed and flowed. Weiss was pushed back, rapier desperately twisting, rising and meeting Pyrrha's relentless blows. With the precision of a seamstress with a needle she exposed every hole Pyrrha allowed, however few. A thin, narrow blade found gaps in her defenses, though rarely connected.
Cloth and leather armor afforded minimal protection. In exchange Weiss could move freely, uninhibited by plate or even chain. Not that either seemed to slow the Mistralan. When Myrtenaster did connect, and it did, its padded blade scraped harmlessly against bronze and chain. Even if a hole in her defenses was found Pyrrha redirected her attacks every time.
Dancers wished they could move with the fluidity the girls did. Weiss hardly ever felt her feet touch the wooden stage, light as air as she bounced, never standing still. She stepped in, her foot between Pyrrha's, her rapier screeching beneath the other girl's arm. Pyrrha punished by sweeping her leg out, though in a surprising effort Weiss wrapped her own around her friend's, sending both girls to the floor. Before Pyrrha could retaliate Weiss had scrambled away and was back on her feet. With the fervor of a nest of hornets she stung Pyrrha again and again, hollow strikes pounding against buckler, even more being parried. Bangs dropped into Weiss' vision and she whipped her head to knock them away, blowing beads of sweat as they dripped down the bridge of her nose.
Pyrrha's sword scored a strike on her bicep, and Weiss' blade found her friend's hip. Both girls backed off to regain their breath, hearts working overtime to try and replenish spent oxygen.
When the voices of their peers became salient again Weiss allowed her eyes to drift away from Pyrrha, her friend's doing the same. If other duels continued they went unnoticed as it seemed near everyone in the hall now played spectator. Among the crowd she caught Ruby's elated expression, silver eyes impossibly wide and mouth agape. Beside her was Nora, a one-girl cheer team, flailing and nearly knocking over anyone unfortunate to be close enough to her, Ren included. Behind them and just a head taller stood Jaune, mouthing something that failed to reach Weiss' ears.
With no sense of urgency, the pair began to circle around the ring. Cheers and shouts echoed off the high walls and ceilings, loud enough at points that Weiss worried the arched windows, clear as a pristine spring, might shatter from the sheer volume. Wooden pillars meant only to support the roof now held over excited initiates climbing to get a better view. Eyeing the dark charcoal outline of the ring Weiss debated trying to force a ring out. Could she put Pyrrha on the back foot long enough to accomplish it?
Pyrrha noticed Weiss' wandering eyes and laughed. 'Fancy the building more than our fight?'
'Just taking in what a spectacle we've become,' Weiss laughed. If she were something of a dramatist she might have taken a bow for their audience. Instead she smiled, standing straight and holding her offhand behind her back, raising Myrtenaster once more. 'As if anything could be more thrilling than this.'
'I don't know. A meal sounds delightful right about now!' Pyrrha smiled bashfully and pat her stomach, breastplate rattling. 'How about we finish up and go eat?'
'Wonderful idea. I was just thinking the same.'
Weiss was ready for a sudden attack, eyes locked on Pyrrha's feet. She was ill prepared for a buckler flying at her head. Narrowly ducking beneath the shield, she gasped and leaned away from an upward strike, the air before her eyes hissing as a blade cleaved through it. Batting away another attack her foot caught the buckler and she wobbled, raising her blade and deflecting another blow. Her arm nearly went numb as both Pyrrha's hands gripped her sword, adding an extra punch behind her already heavy swings.
To unsteady her opponent Weiss slipped the toe of her boot under the shield and kicked it up at Pyrrha. She bat it aside, but that brief window Weiss sidestepped a swing of her sword, thrusting forward. Myrtenaster froze inches before Pyrrha's heart. Weiss bit her lip feeling the kiss of a wooden blade at her neck, eyes drifting to the corners and seeing nothing but brown. She could make out the twists and grains of the blade, light wood stained by years of use. What kind of wood was it? Oak?
Both girls remained motionless and exchanged smiles, chests heaving as they caught their breath. Weiss' heart pounded wildly, her trembling hand making Myrtenaster's tip rattle on Pyrrha's breastplate. Before Oobleck had called the match, she stepped back, finally having a moment to brush her bangs from her eyes, shaking her hand and flicking sweat from her palm.
'That will do, ladies! Wonderful job!'
The gathered students seemed to think so too. Pyrrha pulled at her brown corset, fanning herself. Weiss suspected Pyrrha's 'fatigue' was for show - she could no doubt have continued on. If she had the breath to do so she'd congratulate her friend, but instead she bowed her head before busying herself with removing the leather padding on her weapon.
'We'll call it a draw, excellent work, both of you!' Oobleck shouted over the applause, motioning for everyone to settle down. It took a moment but settle down they did, and with a few stern glances at students hanging off pillars the hall was in order once more. 'Students, take this duel as a chance to learn! Everyone here is capable of this, you only need to apply yourself and give it your all. Remember, the sky's the limit! In a manner of speaking… Technically we've never been able to go higher than a few hundred feet…'
Ignoring Oobleck's tangent Weiss slipped Myrtenaster into her belt, meeting Pyrrha halfway and hugging the taller girl. 'You were splendid as always,' cheered the shorter girl.
'Please, I did everything I could just to keep up!' Pyrrha smiled warmly, hands clasped on Weiss' shoulders. Her emerald eyes drifted to something behind Weiss and she let go, stepping back and holding her hands behind her back. Weiss glanced back when a flurry of red and black crashed into her, nearly knocking her onto the floor.
'Weiss, you were so good! I knew you could do it!'
Materials needed-screwdriver (not shown)-drill-drill bit (i use a 1/8 drill bit)-paint brush-black paint (i used Testors Gloss Black)-diecast wanted to be tintedi put a towel down so i wouldnt scratch the roof of the diecastafter disasembling the diecast using the screwdriver take the body and find the rivets holding the plastic windows on.
Trying not to choke as arms wrapped around her neck Weiss grabbed Ruby's elbows, pulling until the brunette released her. Gods, was she trying to kill her?! Rubbing her neck just to make certain Ruby hadn't somehow broken it she narrowed her gaze and put a finger in the other girl's face. 'Ruby Rose, how many times have I told you not to do that?'
'Aw, but I'm just showing you how happy I am!' Ruby grinned, unabashed even as Weiss continued to glare. Wiggling her hips and sending her skirt aflutter Ruby snatched up Weiss hands, silver pools shining in delight. 'You beat Pyrrha and it was soooo cool!'
'It was a draw.' Try as she might Weiss still smiled, freeing one hand and flicking Ruby's nose. Her friend squeaked, covering her face before sticking out her tongue. 'And I hardly consider a draw to be a victory.'
'Against Pyrrha? I'd say that's a win!' Jaune said, smiling apologetically from behind Ruby. He gave Weiss a wave that she halfheartedly returned, rolling her eyes as he missed Pyrrha's delighted smile and muted thanks.
Ren joined them in the ring, half-walking, half dragged by his eccentric teammate. Much to his delight and Jaune's chagrin Nora released Ren's hand, leaping onto Jaune's back and wrapping her limbs in a vice. 'You. Guys. Were. Awesome!'
Content to let Jaune deal with Nora, Ren smiled and nodded. 'You were both exceptional. I'd expect nothing less from the top fighters in our class.'
Pyrrha's cheeks mirrored her hair and she waved a hand. 'You honor us with your praise. You're not bad yourself, Ren.'
'But you two are like, the bestest ever! Of all time!' Unbridled enthusiasm returned as Ruby grinned, stepping past Weiss and throwing herself at Pyrrha. She took the affection in better stride than Weiss had, laughing and catching the excitable brunette.
Thankfully Oobleck ushered students from the hall rather than let them swamp the two fighters, having correctly assumed neither girl wished to contend with their 'fans' right now. Their friends were the exception as everyone in the the Cathedral, or in Vale probably, knew how close they were. Plus, it was easier to let Nora do as she pleased rather than try to control her. Within reason.
They were a motley bunch, that much was certain. Ren tried to coerce Nora down from Jaune's shoulders, sighing as his friend hissed at him. Jaune for his part could only try to maintain his balance and whine as his hair was pulled. Two orphans from Mistral and the son of a local Magi family, one of modest renown. Unlikely friends anywhere else, yet here they were acting as if they'd grown up together. Then there was Pyrrha Nikos, a prodigal Magi from Mistral, a different region than Nora and Ren. She'd come to Vale to 'see the world and its wonders' - and Weiss wondered what in the world Vale had to offer that Mistral didn't. But here she was, another addition to the unlikely cavalcade.
Weiss smiled as Ruby bounced her way over, unable to make herself annoyed for long. She might be obnoxious, immature, naive and even a bit dim at times, but no one had a kinder heart than Ruby Rose. She was Weiss' first friend upon arriving in Vale, a chance encounter as they traveled into the city for initiation. She'd screamed at the other girl back then, furious that Ruby, in an effort to get to the Cathedral on time, had flown through the streets with her speed magic. It had almost worked until the dunderhead collided with Weiss, knocking them both off the street and into a ditch.
Furious as she'd been she couldn't deny the girl's sincerity in her apologies. Nor could she make Ruby leave her alone two weeks after the fact as she desperately tried to set things right. At first she'd agreed to have Ruby around out of pity, deciding if she let the girl settle her guilty conscience then at last she'd be allowed peace.
Somewhere along the lines though they became friends. 'Bestest friends ever' if Ruby's childish claims were to be believed. Weiss smiled as she followed alongside her 'undisputed bestie', another ridiculous title Ruby gave herself. Their ring stood in the very center of the hall, one of many dotting the space. Natural light poured in from a dozen windows and flooded the room. Nora's voice echoed off the high arched ceiling as she screamed in delight. Shame, the silence that had settled in moments ago was rather nice.
'We can get pancakes?! Really?!'
Ren blinked once and nursed at his ear, checking his fingertips for blood. Poor Jaune nearly toppled over, having had the displeasure of still carrying Nora who now skipped along beside her own partner while Pyrrha half-carried hers.
'Pancakes? We can have pancakes for dinner?!' Ruby echoed Nora's enthusiasm, giggling in delight. Weiss deadpanned when Ruby clutched her arm, bouncing along. 'Can we Weiss? Can we?'
'You're an adult, I don't see why you need my approval.' Why was Ruby pouting now? She'd said yes!
'I think she's asking for you to come with us,' Pyrrha pointed out with a giggle, gasping when she nearly dropped Jaune, then did when her hand brushed against his rear, staring wide eyed and uttering a string of apologies as she helped him up.
Oh. That made a bit more sense. Why couldn't Ruby just say that instead of being a dolt about it? Weiss wanted to say no because pancakes with her friends meant copious amounts of sugar and nothing of nutritional value. Ruby's pleading eyes made that immensely difficult, as did the put-on sniffles and quivering lip. Weiss knew it was all for show and her friend was just trying to trick her.
'Oh… Very well, I guess I'll tag along.' Damn it. Weiss reeled when Ruby lifted her off her feet in a hug, squeaking and kicking her legs in protest. Once set down she couldn't even berate her friend before she zipped ahead of the group with Nora hot on her heels, the two girls singing about the 'joys of pancakes'. If one could call that singing. It sounded more like cats fighting.
Still, it was music to her ears. Most people in Vale - particularly those in the Church, had one of two reactions. Either they recognized her for her name and treated her with undue respect, which was ironic given her status. Or, just as common, many viewed her as the bastard child she was and were content to either deride or ignore her. People like her sparring opponent from moments ago were common enough that she should be used to it. Should.
No one here cared about any of that. To them she was simply 'Weiss', another initiate among a group of forty. They didn't gawk at her name, throw flower petals at her feet as she walked - Ruby and Nora had done so once as a joke while Jaune tried to serenade her. She was positive the mark from where her ice disfigured the wall was still there in the main hall. They were friends and nothing more. They were loud, at times crude, obnoxious, goofy and clumsy, but that only made them more endearing.
A pair of heavy wooden doors separated the training hall from the outside world. Wood and tiled floors stopped at the arched frame, stone slabs buried into the earth leading them from the belly of the building, out into a finely trimmed lawn with beds of tulips, lilacs and sunflowers; the gardens were at the behest of Proctor Peach's demands that they 'give the dreary cathedral some color.' And so flower beds adorned many of the facility's landscapes, as if the numerous trees, statues, fountains and sitting areas didn't already seem excessive.
Brown and gray stone ended at a low brick wall and Jaune managed to get his bearings enough to hold open the wrought iron gate that Ruby and Nora zipped through seconds before. That dopey smile he wore whenever he was doing something nice was endearing. He was a lot like a puppy, Weiss had decided. Awkward, at times more than a handful, but nice. Did that equate him to being the pet of the group? Weiss giggled behind her palm, smiling knowingly as she passed by Jaune.
Nora skipped circles around the group while Ruby spun on her heel, face split by a wide smile and arms held out at her sides. 'Alright everyone, time for Operation Get Deliciousness Into Our Tummies!'
'Wouldn't a shorter name be better…?' Pyrrha snickered.
'Operation Fill Our Bellies!' Nora stopped in her tracks, conveniently right beside Ren, fists trembling as she drooled.
Weiss scoffed at the ridiculous names. 'Let's focus on getting there before we start drooling, hm?' Nora caught herself and wiped her chin, throwing a salute and nodding. She'd likely have taken off down the street if Ren didn't grab the back of her shirt, running in place before realizing and stopping, folding her arms with a huff.
Before them, lining the cobbled streets of central Vale City, were homes for the clergy of the Church. Tall homes of brick and stone with red tiled roofs, each one two stories tall. From memory Weiss knew they were well decorated, the one she'd visited having polished wooden floors, the latest amenities, furniture imported from Vale's most renown craftsmen and food aplenty, given to the clergy as gifts from the local farms. The Church provided spiritual guidance and protection and in turn the city's denizens provided for the Church. It was a symbiotic relationship, one that they had become intimately familiar with.
Weiss glanced up at the clear sky, an ocean of blue gradually fading as the flames of evening chased it away. It would be light out for a while longer as Vale's summers always did have a tendency to drag on. With luck they'd get to have their meals and be back before nightfall. Not that she was particularly concerned about traveling Vale's streets at night. Not when they had a Nora with them.
'Let's get going before it gets much later.' Weiss nodded and returned Pyrrha's smile, joining her and Jaune while Ren was left to try and reign in Nora. Ruby skipped along beside them with a grin that was going to end up stuck if she kept it up. Incorrigible dolt.
Someone's stomach grumbled, and Weiss flushed realizing it was her own, putting a hand over it and sticking her tongue out at a snickering Ruby. Pancakes were not a food fit for supper, but right now they sounded like the most delectable thing on Remnant.
Sprawling cities like Vale needed some kind of rhyme or reason to their layout. From history lessons Weiss understood that Vale had been smaller once, many, many ages ago. Shops sprung up alongside homes and the nobility lived among the commoners. Well, not among them, as she was certain any noble would have a stroke having to share a living space with common folk. At one point in time though Vale City had been like any other small, tight-knit community. Then it expanded. And expanded some more.
Before long the village had become a town, and the town a city. Walls were built and, in an effort to make some sense of the sprawling space, districts were formed. The Grand Cathedral stood as the heart of Vale City, resting at the fork of the River Tyne, nestled between the four major districts - Commercial, Residential, Industrial, and Agricultural all met. Housing for clergymen and the Church of Remnant's proctors surrounded the immediate area, and like spokes of a wheel the roads fanned out further still, Church grounds giving way to commoners'.
Their destination was the Residential district. Just off the main plaza and nestled in between a bookbinder's shop and an herbalist stood a three-story building of brick and wood. The ground floor's walls, white and gray brick interlaced with strips of dark spruce wood trim. Small rooms were attached to the three-story central hub, the closest of which had rectangular windows, glass yellowed with age. A smokestack rose up out of the red tiled roof, white smoke fleeing from within. If memory serves that would be the kitchen. Weiss could feel her mouth watering just imagining the goods being made within.
The plaza itself was circular, with cut brick buried in the dirt, providing solid footing for the carriages. A small garden in the center broke up a sea of gray, and in the center of the garden stood a massive oak tree. Oil lanterns lined the plaza and cast long shadows, the only source of light as the sun was slowly beginning to fade beyond the horizon. Weiss stopped beneath one and watched as a pair of children raced around in the garden, smiling as their mother beckoned to them. They giggled and ran off to join her, hand in hand as they left.
'Weiss?' Blinking and turning back around she smiled at Pyrrha, giving her a questioning look. 'Are you ready to go in?'
She'd zoned out, hadn't she? Weiss flushed and nodded, noticing the rest of their group already gathered by the door, save for Pyrrha and Jaune who waited dutifully by her side. 'Of course, sorry.'
To the right of the main door was a side entrance, one intended for employee use only. Weiss smiled as she recalled an instance of Ruby rushing through the door in an effort to be the first inside, only to collide with a poor worker and cause a bag of flour to explode. Thank the gods the owners liked them, otherwise she could see them being barred for the accident.
Pausing briefly at the steps to the inn she craned her neck, gazing up at the second and third floors. Wooden balconies adorned the top levels, one directly overhead. Planters hung off the edge and flowers added color to the otherwise bland structure, small dots of pink, yellow, blue and gold. The second floor was filled with guest rooms, and the topmost floor housed workers and the owners alike.
Just to the left of the main door and on the corner of the building stood a tower. Weiss wouldn't have paid it any mind if she didn't hear one of the windows open, spotting a familiar face leaning out the window and shaking out a bed sheet. The woman noticed her, and she smiled, waving alongside Pyrrha and Jaune. 'Good evening, Mrs. Oum!'
'Evening, girls! Jaune!' Drawing the sheet inside the black-haired stewardess leaned on her window frame. 'I'm guessing those are your friends who just came in? I can hear them from up here!'
Even over the music? Weiss smiled apologetically, then threw out a quick verbal one when she realized their gracious host wouldn't see it. Mrs. Oum waved and disappeared inside, no doubt rushing downstairs to tend to their patrons. Deciding they'd lingered outdoors long enough Weiss followed the lingering members of her group inside, passing through the red door and beneath the placard that read 'Monty's Corner'.
Why was it called a 'Corner'? Weiss never knew exactly. Unless the name referred to the fact that the building had corners, a very mundane naming convention, she'd always thought 'Inn' or 'Tavern' would be more fitting.
Wall lanterns basked the room in a gentle glow, orange flames tinting the space in a welcoming light. Over the sound of a minstrel and bard performing in the far corner she could make out the sounds of glasses clinking, voices laughing and melding together in cheerful banter. A handful of workers stood before the musical duo and danced - horribly, Weiss might add.
Opposite the door was a lengthy bar, a single, large spruce log that had been carved into a countertop by one of the city's carpenters. A gift for their marriage, Mrs. Oum had told them. The same could be said for the numerous glasses set out across the countertop and tables, large mugs with a sun and birds flying across its face. Presents from the local glass smith.
Much of what was inside the building was gifts. The Oums weren't particularly wealthy, their inn not being among the most affluent in Vale City. Their wealth came from being so beloved by so many. It was a smaller place, yet Monty's Corner was home to many people, particularly after a hard's day labor. It was only natural then that when the owners officially tied the knot many of their regular patrons were eager to provide for the place which brought them so much joy.
That was the story Weiss heard from another patron one evening. Mrs. Oum would later insist they had paid for most of it, though a few pieces were gifts, she admitted.
Scouring the busy room her eyes drifted over other patrons in search of her friends. A Meera staggered past them and Weiss pressed against the wall to make room for the man. Her eyes caught the feline ears atop his head, black as his mane of hair with gray fur adorning the very tips. Unfocused orange eyes stopped on her for a moment and she wondered what he was staring at, leaning away when he reached out behind her, grabbing a toothpick from a small cup.
'Scuse me, little girl…' he slurred, hiccuping and stumbling out of the building.
Little girl? Weiss' cheeks flushed while Pyrrha and Jaune politely looked away. She'd half a mind to trip the drunkard for that! Before she could exact her not at all petty revenge though he was gone, leaving her to stew. Clearing her throat, she resumed her search for their friends.
She spotted Nora first, her bright orange hair doing its best impersonation of the lanterns adorning the walls. Weiss wove her way through the crowd and joined her friends at their shared table. A padded booth run along the wall, a wide window above it looking out over the adjacent street, slivers of natural light slipping through the glass. Black leather bound over wooden seats and stuffed with wool they were the most comfortable spots in the entire establishment. Also, their regular spots.
Ruby smiled innocently as she wiggled in place, taking up the last few inches of the booth. 'You guys found us! We saved you some seats!'
Yes, the more uncomfortable options. She wasn't at all jealous. Not as her bottom rested against a stiff wooden chair, the knotted, braided back digging into her spine. Why would she be jealous she got to sit in a rickety, aged, uncomfortable chair while Ruby and the others rested on heavenly, cushioned seats?
How odd that something struck Ruby's shin. Weiss smiled innocently as the silver-eyed girl stuck her tongue out. 'Does everyone know what they'd like to get?' she asked, expecting Nora to have declared her meal as soon as she entered.
'Nope! We were being good and waiting on you three!' The news came as a surprise to Weiss and Nora pouted dramatically, folding her arms as she slouched. 'Ren said it wasn't nice to order without you.'
'The food isn't going anywhere, Nora,' Ren gently chided, patting his partner's shoulder and blinking as she groaned and drooped against him.
'We are getting pancakes still, right?!' Ruby wiggled, forgetting Weiss' assault on her shin and beaming once more. 'I want a whole pile with maple syrup! No, sugar! NO! Strawberries!'
'For the love of…' Weiss buried her face in her hands and sighed, masking her smile. 'Get whatever you'd like, but I swear to gods if you end up being a nuisance when we try to sleep tonight, I'll make you sleep in the hall.'
It wasn't a bluff, she'd done it before. Or she'd tried to. Once Ruby began to whimper like a scorned dog and pad at the door Weiss hadn't the heart to make her friend stay outside any longer. Hm… Maybe Ruby was the group's pet and not Jaune?
'There you are! I was wondering where you kids got off to!'
Mrs. Oum's smile was as warm as the oven she used to bake her desserts in. Perhaps not quite that warm, otherwise it would be uncomfortably hot. With a youthful face, chestnut eyes set under a thin brow and dark brown hair tied neatly back in a bun she looked more like a woman half her age. Her slender figure was clad in a green gown, an apron caked in flour and chocolate tied at her waist. Ruby muttered something about cookies and Weiss quickly kicked her friend's shin again, wincing when Ruby kicked her back, a violent war of shin-kicking erupting under the table.
'It's nice to see you again, ma'am,' Ren greeted kindly. He had the decency to do so while Weiss and Ruby raged their silent war, each girl wearing smiles he knew were forced.
Mrs. Oum didn't mind, more than used to the group's antics by now. 'Let me guess… We're here for dinner, and judging by someone's constant bouncing…' All eyes went to Nora and the ginger girl merely grinned, continuing with her excitement. 'I'm thinking it's pancake night again?'
'Pancakes!' Nora declared, leaning forward and reaching out towards their hostess. 'Give. Pancakes. Now!'
'What she means to say,' Pyrrha interrupted, smiling apologetically while Ren chopped Nora's head with the flat of his hand. 'Is yes, we'd love pancakes tonight. If it's available.'
'For some regular customers like yourselves? Of course! Though I'm not sure there are enough in this kingdom to sate your hunger.' The playful jab was aimed at Nora and everyone knew it, Nora included. She owned it, snorting and patting her stomach.
'Then make them really good and I'll go easy on ya!'
Weiss rolled her eyes, thanking the powers that be their gracious hostess was able to tolerate Nora's… Nora-ness. Everyone at the table ordered for themselves, from the modest two cakes Weiss asked for to the obscene eight and ten Ruby and Nora requested respectively. They'd have gone higher, no doubt, but both herself and Ren reeled in their partners voraciousness. Drinks were ordered, simple glasses of water; they had a weekly stipend to spend in the city, no sense in blowing it all in one meal. Mrs. Oum excused herself and disappeared into the kitchen.
At the far end of the table to her right Jaune let out a groan, his chair mimicking the noise as she shifted. 'I'm so sore after today…' Laying on the table his arms dropped to his sides, cheek flat against the surface.
'We're all a bit tired today,' Weiss pointed out.
'Yeah, but I'm the only one who had to fight Cardin. He hits like a stinking bull!' Pyrrha rubbed Jaune's back, drawing her hand back when he winced. 'Aw man… I think my butt broke from that fall earlier too.'
Okay, one, you couldn't break your butt. Or… Not exactly your butt. Your tailbone yes, not the butt. And if that had happened Jaune would be in considerably more pain than he was now. Secondly, and Weiss nearly blurted this aloud… She'd fought Pyrrha! Sure, Cardin didn't hold back against Jaune where Pyrrha had with her, but it was Pyrrha. The best fighter among them. And Jaune wore armor!
Weiss felt a foot tapping her shin and shot a warning glance at Ruby, daring her to start up their war again. They'd had an unspoken truce, she'd thought, a peace brokered over pancakes. But she'd gladly take up arms again if… Oh, she was patting the seat beside her after making room. Weiss didn't hesitate, squeezing into the space and smiling sheepishly, shifting to try and get more comfortable. 'Thank you, Ruby.'
A peculiar expression swept over the brunette's features, a cheeky smile and a mischievous gleam in her eyes. Weiss' eyebrow rose at a stifled giggle and Ruby leaned closer, winking playfully. 'You can sit in my lap if you want…?'
Weiss pinched Ruby's nose between her thumb and forefinger, cheeks lightly flushed as she narrowed her eyes. 'Absolutely not.'
'Ow, ow, ow, ow! Weeeeeeiss, it was a joke! Let me go!' Ruby whined nasally. Her flailing arms caught Nora on the cheek and made the ginger-haired girl gasp in surprise, then grin madly.
'Ruby wants to fight!'
'Nora! Not at the table!'
'Ren, stop her!'
Nora laughed in delight as she leaned across Ruby's back, tugging the girl's hood over her head. Ren wrapped his arms around her middle and attempted to peel her off while Pyrrha reached across and grabbed Nora's wrist, trying to pry her hold from Ruby's cloak. Jaune, meanwhile, remained draped across the table, knowing better than to get involved. Ren gave a harder tug and fell back with Nora, gasping for breath as she somehow ended up sat on his chest. Pyrrha uttered frantic apologies and stood, uncertain of what to do to help. And Jaune, somehow, was on the floor, seeing stars after one of Nora's hands somehow knocked him upside the head.
Weiss had long since released her hold on Ruby's nose, blinking as she watched the chaos before her unfold. Pyrrha helped Jaune back into his chair and Nora finally moved off her partner, oblivious to his plight as he still fought for breath after sitting up.
Somehow that catastrophe went unnoticed by other patrons, too engrossed in their own business or drink to care. Maybe they were all just used to the group's nonsense too. Weiss recognized enough faces even without having names to them to know many of the people here now were regular customers. At some point the unruly group of kids had melted into the more mature crowd. No one bat an eye seeing a group of teenagers in a tavern anymore.
A tall, slender man made his way to their table with a wide tray balanced on one arm. He smiled at the group as he approached, smile turning to a curious and concerned glance seeing Jaune still reeling and Ren out of breath. 'Um…?'
'Please don't mind it, they're fine.' Well, Ren was fine, if winded. Jaune could have a concussion after being walloped by Nora. Weiss let Pyrrha tend to her partner and smiled at the tall man, his eyes barely visible under long, tawny hair, with green streaks that, like Ren's pink, somehow occur naturally. 'Pleasure to see you again, Mr. Oum.'
'Likewise, Weiss. And you know you can call me Monty by now.' With a smile as warm as his wife's, Mr. Oum went about setting out their glasses, five of clear liquid, and one with milk. The latter went to Ruby along with a knowing look, and after letting out a giddy thanks Ruby promptly began to nurse her drink.
The rest of the table raised their glasses in a cheer. 'Business seems good tonight,' Pyrrha commented after relieving her parched throat. 'As usual. I'm so happy for you two.'
'It wasn't always this steady, but a bit of hard work and good fortune helped us get to where we are.' Weiss nodded at Monty's words. She could easily recall a time where half the building would be filled, sometimes not even that. Then word spread like wildfire and before anyone knew it Monty' Corner had become a regular respite for workers all throughout the city. And a group of initiates too.
Mmd Rwby Dark Sea Adventure Pyrrha And Ruby
'Of course, none of this would be possible without your generous patronage,' Monty went on. 'For a while it seemed like we'd made a mistake, but we didn't give up and I'm happy to say our efforts have paid off.'
'Keep moving forward,' Ren said. It was the same phrase scrawled into the placard outside, and the motto of the building itself. Good advice, if a bit philosophical for a place that saw more drunks than scholars.
Monty allowed himself a proud smile and hearty laugh. It was a laugh befitting a man twice his size, and like his smile, it embodied warmth. 'Glad to see its stuck.' The barmaid called over the crowd, signaling to an empty keg. Excusing himself and bidding them a good evening Monty wove through the tables with ease to get to work.

Their meals didn't take much longer to come out after that. Due to sheer volume it took not only Mrs. Oum, but the cook the assistant cook, and another woman to deliver the food. The cook, a burly man with soot and various foodstuffs covering his apron, carried Ruby's and Nora's absurd bounties, one in each hand. Grinning, he set the two stacks down before them, dusting his hands off on his soiled apron. 'How'd I know you two ordered those monstrosities?' he asked with a laugh. Ruby smiled sheepishly while Nora began cutting into her mountain, pouting when Ren made her wait.
Mrs. Oum set the last of the plates down and smiled, taking a pitcher from the other woman and setting it out of Nora's reach, much to the ginger girl's chagrin. A small plate with butter was produced as well. 'Fresh from the farms this morning,' she explained. 'Anything else you kids need?'
'Other than a healer once Nora and Ruby go into a coma?' Weiss smiled and shook her head. 'That will be all I believe. Thank you very much.'
Ruby was the lone exception in expressing her thanks, busy staring at the woman beside their hostess. She had the most quizzical look on her face, brow pinched and mouth agape. When Weiss prodded her cheek, Ruby blinked and realized she'd been staring, and everyone was staring at her, gasping and turning bright as her cloak. 'O-O-Oh, heh, uh… Sorry! I just kinda… Spaced out there!'
Possessing far more social graces than Ruby, Mrs. Oum laughed. 'I'm more surprised you weren't fixated on your pancakes. Have you not met my sister before?'
Sister? Weiss glanced back and eyed the other woman carefully. Same face, with hazel eyes instead of brown and with short hair that hung down to her shoulders, the two women were remarkably similar. 'I don't believe we've had the pleasure, no.'
'Well then, everyone, this is Eileen. Eileen,' Mrs. Oum giggled and waved to the table. 'This is everyone.'
'Nice to meet you!' came a chorus of replies, Ruby's voice joining in this time.
Cooks and matrons alike excused themselves, leaving the group to enjoy their 'dinner'. Weiss would still argue pancakes, and certainly pancakes loaded with preposterous amounts of sugar, did not a dinner make.
Left to their own devices everyone began to dig in, even Weiss. Nora inhaled one cake after another and Ren spent more time making sure she wasn't choking than feeding himself. Jaune and Pyrrha chatted among themselves, slowly enjoying their meal and their partner's company, though Weiss suspected one more so than the other. Honestly, if he doesn't realize before we finish training…
Weiss expected Ruby to be halfway through her stack by the time she glanced over. Instead she saw half of one cake gone, a piece still stuck to Ruby's fork. She looked forlorn, silver eyes staring at the food and nowhere at the same time. Gently placing a hand on Ruby's shoulder, she gave her friend a patient smile. 'Hey… Are you okay? You seem.. Lost?'
Ruby blinked a few times before smiling back, big and bright as ever. 'Oh, me? Yeah, totally fine! A-okay, Weiss! Just uh… Thinking about how good these pancakes are!' A not at all convincing giggle preceded a mouthful of pancakes and Ruby wiggled in her seat.
Weiss wasn't convinced, but a pleasant dinner with friends wasn't the place to pry. 'I see… Well, don't eat too slowly, otherwise Nora might steal some.' A more natural smile formed when Ruby gasped and began to eat quicker, and Weiss laughed watching her cheeks expand to make space for the sudden intake. Something was clearly bothering her, but she'd ask later tonight. For now, she could be her dorky, cheery self.
Sisters, huh? Ruby didn't know Miss Oum had a sister. She didn't see why the lady wouldn't have one, but they'd just never met her before. She seemed… Nice. She had to be nice if she was part of that family, and she certainly wasn't going to assume someone she just met was mean, so Ruby decided she was nice. Working with her sister, getting to see her every day, probably even have dinner with her every night…
Ruby rolled over, hugging her pillow tighter and opening her eyes. Sleep refused to come as her mind was busy tripping over itself. She was happy that Mrs. Oum had family with her, because family was important. Everyone had family, and if they weren't super close, then at least you knew where they were! She had her dad back on Patch, and… Well, that was kind of it, really. Her mom was gone, a thought that no longer reduced Ruby to tears and just made her chest ache dully.
It wasn't the loss of her mother that was making tears well up in her eyes. And it wasn't the over-abundance of pancakes and syrup she'd eaten for supper, though Weiss had seemed convinced she and Nora would end up ill.

She missed her sister.
How long had it been since she'd seen Yang? At some point she'd been counting and was pretty sure she'd gotten to two years before she stopped. It had been two years, four months, seventeen days and about… nine hours? Ten hours? But who was counting?
Ruby whimpered, the sound muffled by her face buried in the pillow. The last thing she wanted to do was wake Weiss and worry her friend. She missed Yang though, so badly. It was getting to the point where she didn't even really recall her voice, or what it felt like to get a hug from her. She was forgetting things. That was the worst part of it. Was she going to forget Yang? Would she ever see her again?
Was she alive…?
Ruby's chest constricted painfully, and she released a choked sob into her pillow, hands desperately clutching at it for comfort.
She needed to become a Hunter, so she could travel. She needed the training to protect other people, sure, but more selfishly, she needed to train so she could find Yang. Was that wrong of her? It felt wrong, but she couldn't help it. She needed to know if Yang was okay. Where would she even look though? Where would she ask? Who could she ask?
No one, which was why she needed to hurry up and finish training. Yang was out there, she had to be, and she'd need Ruby's help. She'd finish her initiation, complete her training and become the best Hunter Remnant ever saw. Then, and only then, could she track down her sister. Right now, fighting Grimm was the furthest thing from her mind. Right now, curled up in bed and embracing her pillow, Ruby was busy battling the raging thoughts plaguing her.
As she slowly found sleep amidst whimpers and quiet crying, Weiss lay awake in her own bed, her face scrunched. They each had sisters that were out of their reach, after all, and it was that common bond among everything else that had enabled them to become so close, so quickly. There were other reasons they were friends too, obviously, but their shared pain had been one of the first.
As the moon hung high in the sky a subdued light flooded the small bedroom. A pale glow illuminated the floorboards between the beds, causing the potted flower beneath the window to shine. Vale had grown silent, yet only a few hours from now the workers would rise again, ready for another day of labor. And the girls? Another day of training, lessons, and whatever shenanigans they found themselves in.
They needed sleep, and sleep eventually did come. It wasn't restful though. Between Ruby's fitful cries and Weiss' own sorrow it had taken ages for either of them to drift off. Even once asleep it was unpleasant, as bad dreams and sodden pillows made for miserable experiences.
So, a few marked differences this time around!
- No 'books'. Chapters are going to have names, though things that carry over between chapters may have numbered parts (Fight pt. 1, for example.)
Rwby Pyrrha Coming Back
- We're starting much earlier in the timeline. This will allow me to establish more of the lore/innerworkings of this version of Remnant as we go, rather than trying to naturally integrate explanations in the middle of other events.
Deep Dark Sea Fish Monster
- There's another big difference, but you'll all have to wait and see what that is. Not long though! It's coming in the next chapter.
Thanks for giving my story the time, and extra thanks to people who I may have disappointed yet still see fit to read along. You're the best, guys!
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