Programs Stop Responding Windows 10
But some of the users Report After installing or Upgrade windows 10 October 2018 Update Version 1809 Windows 10 Freezes Applications Not Responding for a long time at startup. This is because after new upgrade Some of your programs and drivers may work without issues, but some may just become incompatible with the current version. How to Disable Startup Programs in Windows 10. Windows 10 is a fast and responsive operating system, but if you have a lot of apps set to start while starting up your computer, it can bog down the boot process substantially.
Stop Not Responding Windows10
How to Force Close Ongoing Programs in Windows 10 – Sometimes certain application running on your machine treats stubbornly and refuses to stop. They freeze and does not respond anyhow when you hit the close button on the top right. But few alternative ways exist to Force Close Ongoing Programs in Windows 10.
How to Force Close Ongoing Programs in Windows 10
Way 1 – Through Task Manager
- Jointly strike the combination of Ctrl + Alt + Del and soon your PC screen will turn blue in color and will exhibit few options in the middle, click or hit “Task Manager”.
- When Task Manager becomes observable, you can see all the ongoing programs being listed out there, trace out the one that is creating trouble and to force close it, do a right-click on it and from the emerged tiny menu, click or tap “End Task”.
- The ongoing program will be immediately closed down.
Way 2 – By Means of Command Prompt
- Hit the “Win and X” keys altogether and soon a menu will be displayed on the extreme left edge of the screen, click or hit “Command Prompt (Admin)”.
- The “Command Prompt” will now be visible, write “tasklist” and thereafter hit “Enter”.
- A list of all the ongoing tasks including the background ones will be listed down for you.
You can now force close one or more applications or processes by “Process ID” aka “PID” or “Image Name” aka “IM”. Let us see how –
- Observe the tasklist carefully and you will witness that the first column is labeled as “Image Name” and the second column is described as “PID”.
- So, as mentioned above, your “taskkill” command needs to include either “IM” or “PID” number with it so that the application can be successfully terminated and the commands for each goes like this –
Taskkill /IM taskname /F
Replace the “taskname” with the name of the application that you wished to end. The letter “F” stand for forcefully, and thus, the command will be – Taskkill /IM mspaint.exe /F
Taskkill /PID **** /F
Replace the **** signs with the PID numbers of the applications that you desire to end and the command will look like Taskkill /PID 7340 /F
- Let us make this clear to you by furnishing an example – in order to force close one ongoing program like “Paint”, the command will be –
Taskkill /IM mspaint.exe /F or Taskkill /PID 7340 /F
(Your PID number will be different).
- Now, to kill many applications or programs simultaneously, you can use the PID numbers, for instance – to end “Paint, Photoshop, and iTunes”, the command will go like this –
Taskkill /PID 7416 /PID 6608 /PID 6796 /F
- Don’t miss out to hit “Enter” key after you write down the command.
- Thereby you can see the success message.
Way 3 – Use Keyboard Shortcut
- Make sure that the troublesome program is being selected before you strike the combination of keys, else you will lose some other significant program.
- Jointly strike “Alt + F4” keys and you will witness that the chosen annoying program will be closed immediately.
Amongst the three ways, the best one adopted by the advanced users is the “Command Prompt” because it allows the applications end very effectively. Well, if you have more in your store, do share with us.
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