Skyrim Best Enchantment For Money

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  1. Skyrim Best Enchantments For Armor

In any case, alchemy and enchantment are skills that all citizens of Skyrim value. Show your worth and devote some time to these practices. Many potions can sell for wild amounts of money. For example, the simple combination of wheat, giant's toe, and creep cluster can earn you upwards of 1,000 gold coins. The 10 Best Skyrim Enchantments. Even with the Elder Scrolls 6 recently announced at E3 this year, Skyrim has never died. It still remains one of the most popular RPGs out there, and for a good reason. It’s the kind of game you can play over and over, trying a different character each time. The 10 Best Skyrim Enchantments. Even with the Elder Scrolls 6 recently announced at E3 this year, Skyrim has never died. It still remains one of the most popular RPGs out there, and for a good reason.

Yes, we realize that Skyrim came out seemingly forever ago and this information could be categorized as 'old news.' However, there are a few points that can be made to argue the other side of that statement. Firstly, it's only actually been five years since the game was released. More importantly, we know you're all still playing it anyways so you may as well check into the article and find a few ways to make a few extra coins in the game. Filling your coin purse in Skyrim is most difficult when you start the game. After the initial attack on Helgen at the start of the game, your character escapes the fiery jaws of the dragon with barely anything to their name. You walk into Riverwood with nothing but the rags on your back and the scant amount of loot you could accrue while sneaking away through the labyrinth of catacombs and caves below the tiny town. How are you supposed to survive your long journeys to Riverwood and Whiterun with no developed skills, no adept weaponry or armor, no money, and no companion? It's certainly a tricky task.

While the struggle for coins is glaringly difficult at the beginning, it's not the only time you might find yourself strapped for cash. Occasions that cause you to lose your finances occur all the time, such as imprisonment and bounty payoffs. Maybe you're smart enough to sneak well or play by Skyrim laws to avoid such misfortunes but even in such cases, it only takes building a house or buying a really fancy weapon to deplete all of your cash. In these cases, there's a lot you can do to get money fast. Sure, you could cheat, but we're going to give you 15 easy ways to get money fast without breaking the rules (sort of). So, prepare to fill your coin purses, and make the most out of all the add-ons in Skyrim.

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15 Good Old Fashioned Hard Labor

Just like in real life, the best way to get money quickly is by working hard for it. If you're in a bind and need a bit of money fast, you can get it by picking up some tools and putting your back into it. If you're looking to make a lot of money, in efforts to save up to buy an awesome weapon or to purchase land on which to build a home, then this is absolutely the wrong method for you to try to save up. However, if you are ten gold pieces away from being able to purchase the best enchanted helmet you've ever seen or just need a bit more lumber to add an addition to your home, this is a great way to make money fast. Chopping wood, mining for ore, and hunting wildlife are completely innocent and potentially lucrative ways to make money. All it takes is a little bit of time (a few minutes our time, tops) to accumulate a well-stocked inventory of wood, ore, or pelts to sell to the highest bidder.

14 Level Up

It seems like something that shouldn't matter to this problem, doesn't it? What does leveling up have to do with making money? A lot, actually. Did you know that every time you level up, you increase your post-quest earning power? It's true! As you increase in levels, your rewards for completing missions and quest-lines increase as well. The same is true for other perks (both literal and figurative) you get from leveling up, including decreasing the likelihood that you'll die in battle and the ability to learn new abilities. If for some reason you're not leveling up as soon as your character is able to, you're completely suppressing your character's potential (and it's also very possible that you don't understand how this game works). The only excuse you ever have to not level up immediately after being given the opportunity is to save that level up until you're health is lowered in battle. Once you level up and increase your magic and stamina, your health will be boosted back to its maximum levels.


13 Get Married

Firstly, YES! You can get married in Skyrim! You can marry pretty much anyone in Skyrim, no matter your gender or race. If you're a male Imperial, you could still marry a male Argonian. Thanks to the game writers for being open-minded and being one of the first games to let you marry whoever you so choose. So how does marriage make you money? Isn't that kind of contrary to popular culture jokes? If you marry, try to marry someone that owns or runs a shop. Once you are married, go and take a nap (rest somewhere) and wait 24 hours. Soon after, when you speak to your new wife or husband, you should be able to ask about the shop they run. Every time you ask about it, they'll give you some of the store's profits to prove everything is going well. This amounts to 100 gold pieces each time. So, it seems like it truly does pay to follow your heart!

12 Pickpocket Everybody

Yes, it seems pretty obvious, we know. Yet, you're probably not pick-pocketing everyone you come across. Pick-pocketing is a hard skill to develop. In the beginning, you're going to find it a bit tricky and pretty much anyone you attempt to steal from is going to notice you and you're going to get in trouble. However, once you're able to build up your skill levels a bit more (or, if you're really impatient and have the money, just find a mentor to learn the skill set more expeditiously), pick-pocketing is one of the best and easiest ways to make money quickly. Simply follow townsfolk of whatever city you choose around town. Once you're out of sight, just sneak in real close, browse their inventory, and take all the wonderful and high-resale value items you can find. Just know in advance, of course, that you'll need to find a buyer who doesn't care where you got your inventory from.


11 Work On Your Smithing Skills

Smithing, which is the skill of taking raw mined metals and working them into wares and weapons, is a very difficult profession in the world of Skyrim. Smiths spend hours slaving over fiery forges, tanning racks, workbenches, and grinding stones, trying to perfect their goods for sale. As a young smith (or a newcomer to the game), your ability will be limited to steel and iron weapons and armors. Can this make you money? Sure, but not enough to really make it worth your while. If you want to make some quick money while working at a forge, you've got to level up your abilities (either through hard work or expensive training) to earn the capabilities to make glass, ebony, daedric, and dragon armor/weapons, which takes some time. To grow your skills and make money doing it, focus on making jewelry with gems and stones you 'liberate' while foraging through dungeons and caves.

10 Raid Everyone's Home

No, it's not very nice to creep into someone's home while they're either asleep or not around and ransack their family heirlooms and precious keepsakes so that you can make a quick buck. Then again, we never promised that this list would be nice. We guaranteed only quick ways to make money, and there are assuredly few quicker ways than ransacking a house to make some money. Sure, you could just pick any house at random and go to town but you'll likely make more money if you do some research and plan ahead. When visiting cities, pick houses that belong to some of the wealthiest citizens, like the Black-Briars in Riften or Silver-Bloods in Markarth. Also, if you refer back to a previously published TheRichest article about the secrets of Skyrim, you'll learn about Shadowmarks which are quick tell-tale signs to know if a house is worth the trouble or not.


9 Get Political

Of course getting in good with the Jarl will help you get rich fast! Just like in real life (again, kudos to the game writers), having political leverage and finding a buddy in the guy in charge will guarantee you financial prosperity. Basically, you're just going to have to brown nose a bit to do it. The easiest Jarl to get friendly with is Jarl Balgruuf the Greater of Whiterun. If you follow the main storyline of Skyrim, the quests will lead you straight to his throne within the first few objectives. If you help keep Whiterun safe and simply reveal that you are indeed, Dragonborn, he'll pretty much throw all the help at you as he can (his mage's support, a follower, property in Whiterun). If you choose to pick a side in the war, you can get Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak from Windhelm in your corner easily, and there are a few other Jarls that merely request you complete tiny quests in return for their love. Once you have it, you can take most items from the hold and sell them without consequence.

8 Work On Your Speech Skills

The speech skill is frequently and commonly underestimated in Skyrim. When you have so many really cool and enticing options to train, like one-handed wielding, sneak, and conjuration, it's hard to want to level up in something that reminds you of your high school public speaking class. We understand, but we strongly urge you to reconsider. The speech skill is vital to getting the best deals (and earning the most money) when you buy and sell at stores around Skyrim. The easiest and cheapest way to level up the speech skill is to be as loquacious as you can be. Talk to every single person you come across, from tradesmen to bandits to seemingly meaningless NPCs. If you don't have the patience to talk to everyone you come across, you might want to seek out a tutor in speech. Either way, it certainly behooves you to attend to this skill.


7 Get In On Bar Brawls

While this sounds like terrible advice, we'd like to blatantly state that we don't advocate such behavior in real life, so don't start walking into bars and causing trouble because 'we told you to.' Please don't get in bar fights in real life, it will give you more problems than it is worth. However, Skyrim is very different from real life! At many bars across Skyrim, you'll bump into gluttons and drunkards who have had their fill of arrogance and liquid courage. Find some of these inebriated fools and initiate a conversation, which will lead to many challenging you to a duel of fisticuffs. Whoever triumphs the brawl will win the pot of money you stake on the mini battle. Some of these fights are a little tougher, especially since you are relying on the strength of your fists alone and not your skill with magic, a sword, or a bow. Nonetheless, most are easily won and earn you money and more!

6 Work On Your Alchemy And Enchanting Skills

The dark arts aren't vilified in the world of Skyrim. In fact, alchemy and enchantments are common practices employed by the most domestic of townsfolk and their shops are located in every major city. Many use these skills to simply protect their farms or cure mild maladies and poisons on the go. A rarer and tougher few require them for elaborate enchantments of deadly weapons and to save them from the brink of death while in battle. In any case, alchemy and enchantment are skills that all citizens of Skyrim value. Show your worth and devote some time to these practices. Many potions can sell for wild amounts of money. For example, the simple combination of wheat, giant's toe, and creep cluster can earn you upwards of 1,000 gold coins. Likewise, finely forged weaponry enchanted with desirable qualities can bring in loads of cash. Take some time to experiment with the alchemy and enchantment tables, and you'll find it a lucrative endeavor.


5 Be A Particular Looter

Not everything is worth saving. If you're a longtime player of Skyrim, you've already discovered that this is one of the most valuable lessons to learn in the game. When we started playing Skyrim we would pick up everything we saw, from the iron shield the dead man once carried to the branch of thistle we passed on the road. Our inventories filled at such a rate that we'd become overburdened in the middle of quests and need to drop items just to make it out of the catacombs. We learned that some things, like linen wrappings and charcoal, were useless while other things, like iron swords and ancient nordic bows, were pointless in collecting. Be very particular and selective when rummaging through chests and raiding the deceased bodies of foes and the like. Not everything is worth saving for resale. Instead, save that inventory space for nice weaponry, gems, shields, and armor. Trust us, you don't need to keep those books or the millions of keys you've collected.

4 The Transmute Spell

If you haven't taken an interest in the magical aspects of Skyrim, we urge you to reconsider. Skyrim is home to some very strong and powerful magic, and there are many quests and adventures to be had for the willing and skilled witch or wizard. Magic can provide you with opportunities and powers that make your life easier (such as healing spells and spells to lighten up darkened corridors) as well as with the chances to make financially advantageous opportunities for yourself. The transmute is one such spell that can be easily learned from the Whiterun hold mage, who lives in Dragonsreach. For the spell to work, you need to only have iron or silver ore in your inventory. Ore can be mined from deposits all over Skyrim. Once you have the ore, cast the spell and your iron will turn to silver and your silver to gold. This should definitely make you interested in pursuing magic.


3 Be An Assassin

If you have few scruples or concerns about how you get your money in Skyrim, you truly ought to join the Dark Brotherhood. Even if you do fret over the fate of your fellow Skyrim citizens, you might find it reasonable to join this elite group. The Brotherhood is home to a legion of assassins who are called to kill by ancient rituals. They ask few questions, preferring to shoot first. While it is, surely, a bit heartless and cold, the group is rife with opportunity for a financially interested fighter like yourself. For each murderous hit you complete, you are paid andyou are given the opportunity to loot the corpses you kill as well as their surroundings (so long as you kill them in a quiet and secretive manner). Some of your targets will be quite prominent members of the Skyrim society as well and will yield quite sizable treats.

2 Be A Guild Thief

Joining the Thieves Guild is just as profitable than joining the Dark Brotherhood, if not more. Forget about The Stormcloaks, forget about The Companions, and forget about various colleges you can attend. The guild, which is infamously located in the underground of Riften, is one of the most lucrative groups you can join. Not only are each of your missions based around stealing, pick-pocketing, and raiding your way across Skyrim, but each opportunity given to you by the Thieves Guild presents you with further opportunities to steal. For example, one mission might require you to steal an item from a home. What's to stop you from stealing everything else that you want along the way? Joining the Thieves Guild, though perhaps not entirely admirable, will be one of the wisest choices you can make in the game. If you're still unconvinced, perhaps it would help to know that the final mission is the highest paying in the game.


1 Be Vex Or Delvin's Lackey

Skyrim Best Enchantments For Armor

While The Thieves Guild is indeed one of the most lucrative quest lines in all of Skyrim, there are many opportunities to make money outside of its primary missions. Get to know your fellow thieves, for they have good work for you. There are three, in particular, that you ought to always know the names of. Tonilia is the fence that will buy all of your stolen goods that encumber you when other stores question their origin. Vex and Delvin are the others, and they are essential to know because they will offer you some of the simplest work for a significant reward. Vex offers you a plethora of work in burglaries, heists, sweeps, and shill jobs. Delvin will give you opportunities in 'Bedlam' jobs (stealing 500 coins or more from an establishment), fishing jobs, and number jobs. All of these jobs have high earning power ranging from 50 to 800 coins, depending on the difficulty.

Sources:Quora, Game FAQS


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It's been almost six years since Bethesda introduced players to the world of Skyrim. In that time we've seen multiple remasters and ports, as well as the culmination of work from a tremendous and extremely talented mod community. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim not only released to high critical praise it received countless game of the year awards and honors throughout the industry. The game was applauded for taking the open-world genre and expanding on it in ways we didn't expect.

Bethesda Game Studios has received criticism recently for the release of Fallout 4 in comparison to other current open-world games. Critics and fans alike felt that Bethesda Game Studios didn't do enough to justify it as a whole new entry in the series. It was regarded as a good game, doing everything right that Fallout 3 did, but didn't necessarily take the franchise to the next level. A lot of people credit this to their in-house engine and feel that a studio like Bethesda should have no excuses for upgrading when their games have such a long development cycle.

Either way, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was a great game for its time, and there are so many new things people are discovering to this day. Today, however, we're focusing solely on the armor sets in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and ranking the best and worst sets in the game. You'll definitely see some familiar favorites as well as a couple of obscure sets that take some patience and effort to acquire.

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15 Best: Dragonscale Armor (Light)

The Dragonscale Armor set is one that could have been placed literally anywhere on the best armor side of this list. It's one of the most cost effective light armors sets and gives players the ability to enchant it. The main reason why it's not higher on the list has to do with its lack of natural enchantments as well as a reliance on the user having high enchantment and smithing skills to take it to the next level. It also gets bonus points for being one of the cooler looking sets in Skyrim. It comes in with a defense of 82 without a shield which puts it as one of the more tanky sets for light armor wearers. That number boosts up to a respectable 111 with the inclusion of a shield. Dragonscale Armor provides a lot of protection and intimidation but is best used late game.

14 Worst: Imperial Armor (Heavy)

Now, Imperial Armor isn't necessarily terrible. Bethesda did a great job designing the armor sets in such a way that most of them do serve a specific purpose. The Imperial Armor set is going to be the first heavy armor set that 95% of players run into. It carries the same defensive statistics as iron armor but carries the advantage of being obtained both earlier and easier in the game. Imperial Armor also has the bonus of giving the player choices in terms of variety. There are 3 different helmets for this armor set, and each carries slightly different statistical variations. The Imperial Armor set isn't atrocious, it just isn't that good either. Don't be ashamed to rock it early in the game but don't be afraid to move on to bigger and better heavy armor sets.

All NPC's just wear vanilla. Skyrim mods. What I did for the AmidianBorn vanilla armor retextures:1 Put the textures in a separate folder.2 Make textureset entries for them in the creation kit3 Create duplicate armors for the vanilla armors, and apply the textureset to them4 Make crafting recipes, which give you the retextured armors in exchange for a vanilla one5 Don't forget to add temper recipes for them as wellSo, now I can use the incredible armor textures without frying my poor old PC.


13 Best: Archmage's Robes (Light)

This set is the premier selection for anyone with an ounce of Magicka in their bones. The Archmage's Robes are excellent in terms of enchantments but don't provide a whole lot in terms of actual defense. That being said, wearers are treated to the following bonuses: All spells cost 15% less to cast, +50 Magicka, and Magicka regenerates 100% faster. These robes turn even the most novice of mages into a true threat that shouldn't be trifled with. The set itself isn't easy to obtain seeing as you'll have to complete the entire questline pertaining to the College of Winterhold. If you're serious about becoming a mage with absolute power be prepared to make this a priority in your next playthrough of Skyrim.

12 Worst: Iron Armor (Heavy)

Iron Armor is a set that doesn't really do much of anything. Its armor rating of 60 is about average, and the banded version of the armor doesn't offer much of an upgrade as it sits at an armor rating of 63. A huge and glaring problem with the Iron Armor set is that it doesn't benefit from smithing perks, and thus you won't receive double improvement. At first, I was willing to write off Iron Armor as a non-issue considering it's meant to be an early game set and help players get into the groove of things. However, Steel Armor can be obtained and used as early as level two so it seems like that whole case can be thrown out the window. Iron Armor should be nothing but an afterthought seeing as there are easy upgrades and better choices right at your fingertips.


11 Best: Nightingale Armor (Light)

It was really tough deciding where on this list the Nightingale Armor set would land. It's a great set of armor with some decent full set bonuses as well as a pair of reasonable enchantments. The real issue is that the set isn't easy to obtain and it doesn't obtain the ability to enchant it any more than it already has been. The armor set is interesting and is a flavorful reward during the Thieves Guild questline, but it falls short in some areas. If you're looking for a stamina boost or protection from frost, then this set should be at the top of your list. It also provides the player with slight buffs to their lockpicking, muffling of boots, illusion spell cost, and one-handed weapon damage. Don't let the ranking fool you. The Nightingale Armor is a set worthy of acquiring.

10 Worst: Fur Armor (Light)

The Fur Armor set falls in the middle of this list in regards to the worst armor sets and it couldn't have been placed any better. It's a set of armor that doesn't provide a whole lot of protection and doesn't really scale in terms of improvement and smithing. It's an armor set that's bad, but not necessarily bad enough to be terrible — just forgotten. In any situation, the worst thing you can do is fall somewhere in the middle, and that's exactly where this set lands. Nothing good ever comes of it. Here's to Bethesda for giving the Fur Armor a higher armor rating than Hide Armor, even though it covers less of the character's body.


9 Best: Miraak's Robes (Light)

Are you surprised to see another set of robes on this list? The reason that Miraak's Robes are higher on this list than the Archmage's is due to it providing protection from other mages, as well as a creating a chance for explosions on enemies whenever you hit them. When we're talking about armor effectiveness on its own, it's important to keep in mind how valuable a set is if it can boost your defense as well as your offense. That being said, you can easily swap Miraak's Robes with the Archmage's Robes on this list if you'd like. It really depends on what type of mage play you prefer. At the end of the day, you should at least know that these two sets are the absolute best in terms of providing benefits to any type of mage build.

8 Worst: Stormcloak Armor (Light)

This spot was either going to go to Stormcloak Armor or Light Imperial Armor. Upon inspection, it was clear to see that the Stormcloak Armor set was the inferior set out of the two. The Stormcloak Armor has an inferior armor rating and doesn't include a shield so based on those comparisons alone it loses the fight. It's depressing to see that an armor set designed for a group of brave and honorable men has a lower armor rating than a piece of fur that doesn't even cover a character's entire body. The Stormcloak Armor set suffers from being an early game item that doesn't really progress beyond its beginnings. There's no upside to investing in it early so when you're getting started you might want to head in a different armor set direction.


7 Best: Ahzidal's Armor (Heavy)

Finally, the first heavy armor we've encountered on the best side of this list. Ahzidal's Armor set isn't necessarily eye-catching in terms of design, but man does it pack a punch. The armor rating isn't actually all that impressive with this set seeing as its numbers are the same as the Steel Plate set, but it's the bonuses you receive from the entire set that set it apart. The effects gifted to the player are as follows: enemies who melee attack you have a chance to be paralyzed, water-walking, allow you to cast spells ignite and freeze, and if a creature you summon were to die in combat it combusts while delivering frost damage. This set does a lot beyond just protecting the player from massive heaps of damage and can be acquired fairly easily.

6 Worst: Hide Armor (Light)

The Hide Armor set is a beginner's set of armor that isn't really found at the very beginning of the game. Which is, of course, a big problem. It offers an abysmal armor rating of 40, though you do have the option to craft a shield alongside the armor to boost your defense, unlike both the Imperial Light and Stormcloak Armor sets. It's not really even the best early game craftable set of armor. The Leather Armor set beats out multiple armor sets in the early game and is easily crafted with a little elbow grease. From an objective standpoint, this would be considered the worst armor set in the game if a couple of other sets didn't fall through so hard in regards to expectations and implementation.


5 Best: Deathbrand Armor (Light)

Though I'm not a fan of the name of the armor set, Deathbrand Armor is a solid set of protection. It's the best armor set in terms of pure protection for light armor characters. Wearing it as a full set provides the player with tons of cool buffs including an increased carrying capacity as well as water-breathing. Your stamina also sees a ton of improvement as it's increased by 15 for each piece of Deathbrand Armor worn. The armor set can be acquired through the side quest called Deathbrand. The armor itself has an interesting design. It's a frosty blue hue that seems to be built based on a Nordic set. If you're looking for the Daedric Armor equivalent for light armor you've come to the right set.

4 Worst: Skaal Armor (Light)

The Skaal Armor set is not only one of the worst sets in Skyrim but an odd addition to the Dragonborn DLC which added a slew of new and better items to the world around you. This seems like it was added as an aesthetic tone piece rather than something the designers felt would see heavy use rates. The armor rating for the Skaal set sits at 46, which isn't terrible, but the set lacks the ability to be crafted, upgraded, or boosted by smithing and smithing perks. With this fact alone that means that every other set in the game that can be boosted or upgraded will be more beneficial to players than the Skaal Armor set. In any case, the set itself does have the redeeming quality of being a cool design that allows your character to look like a disciple of Genghis Khan.


3 Best: Ancient Shrouded Armor (Light)

Now, by this point in the list, you should see that I take into account what an armor set provides in terms of actual armor as well as aesthetic. Ancient Shrouded Armor does little outside of giving a stealth character suitable buffs, but pairing that with a sleek red and black design land it here on the list. The Ancient Shrouded Armor set provides players with the sneak attack, boot muffling, poison defense, and bow attack bonuses when the full set is equipped. Earlier we talked about how the Archmage's robes are an immediate area of focus for mage-based characters. It's the same here in terms of characters looking to place emphasis on stealth and sneaking. This armor set can be acquired by completing the Dark Brotherhood quest called The Feeble Fortune.

2 Worst: Worn Shrouded Armor (Light)

The Worn Shrouded Armor set is the worst armor in the entire world of Skyrim. It has an armor rating of 35 which doesn't seem too bad until you consider the fact that it can't be upgraded. Now, you can alleviate some issues by simply enchanting each piece of the set, but why would you waste resources when you can upgrade a different set from a higher starting point? Luckily we've already talked about a really nifty set of Shrouded Armor — so if you really dig the red/black combo design then you're in luck. This armor set really doesn't benefit any type of player or character. It's intended for use by stealth type characters, but the inability to upgrade coupled with a very low starting point means that this set should be disposed of or sold as soon as possible.


1 Best: Daedric Armor (Heavy)

One of the greatest parts about Skyrim —and there are many— is that the (arguably) best set of armor in the game is also the most badass in terms of aesthetic. The Daedric Armor set not only imbues the wearer with a sense of confidence and intimidation, but it also provides a generously beefy amount of protection. The icing on the cake is that the set can be upgraded and enchantment to the owner's content. Daedric Armor tops the list for its usefulness, customizability, and sheer aesthetic excellence. It's not often in games that the best-looking set of armor is also the best performing. Many times players are left wearing an embarrassing combination of items for ultimate effectiveness. Thanks to Skyrim we had our cake and eat it too.


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