Yarn Limit Size Of Error Log

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What is a container in YARN? Is it same as the child JVM in which the tasks on the nodemanager run or is it different?

May 30, 2016 - and similarly Max container size. Error: java.lang. This correspond to both yarn-nodemanager.local-dirs and yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs. Get/Set the log level for a Log identified by a qualified class name in the daemon. Example: $ bin/yarn daemonlog -setlevel org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMAppImpl DEBUG. Jun 10, 2018 - How to get logging right for Spark applications in the YARN. Log prints are assigned to the levels using the associated print methods debug, info, warn, error. Exposing cluster resources in “map slots” and “reduce slots”.

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9 Answers

It represents a resource (memory) on a single node at a given cluster.
A container is

  • supervised by the node manager
  • scheduled by the resource manager

One MR task runs in such container(s).

Lorand BendigLorand Bendig
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There can be multiple containers on a single Node (or a single very big one).


Every node in the system is considered to be composed of multiple containers of minimum size of memory (say 512MB or 1 GB). The ApplicationMaster can request any container as a multiple of the minimum memory size.

Source, see section ResourceManager/Resource Model.

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7622 gold badges11 silver badges29 bronze badges

In Hadoop 2.x, Container is a place where a unit of work occurs. For instance each MapReduce task(not the entire job) runs in one container.

An application/job will run on one or more containers.



Set of system resources are allocated for each container, currently CPU core and RAM are supported. Each node in a Hadoop cluster can run several containers.

In Hadoop 1.x a slot is allocated by the JobTracker to run each MapReduce task. Then the TaskTracker spawns a separate JVM for each task(unless JVM reuse is not enabled).

Yarn Limit Size Of Error Log In Account

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Word 'Container' is used in YARN in two contexts,

Container: Signifies an allocated resources to an ApplicationMaster. ResourceManager is responsible for issuing resource/container to an ApplicationMaster. Check Container API.

Launching a Container: Based on allocated resources (containers) ApplicationMaster request NodeManager to start Containers, resulting in executing task on a node. Check ContainerManager API.


In simple terms, Container is a place where a YARN application is run. It is available in each node. Application Master negotiates container with the scheduler(one of the component of Resource Manager). Containers are launched by Node Manager.

Amitesh RanjanAmitesh Ranjan

The Container is the resource allocation, which is the successful result of the ResourceManager granting a specific ResourceRequest. A Container grants rights to an application to use a specific amount of resources (memory, cpu etc.) on a specific host.

Also you can check this URL

Abdelrahman MaharekAbdelrahman Maharek

The logical lease on resources and the actual process spawned on the node is used interchangeably. It is same process in which tasks(or AM) runs. To start container we provide container object and CLC (ContainerLaunchContext) in which we set list of commands to run tasks (or AM).


According to the size of input data, multiple input splits are created. The MR job need to process this whole data so multiple tasks are being created(map & reduce tasks). So for each input split will be processed by one task. Now how to run this task, is suggested by Resource manager. Resource manager knows which node manager is free and which is busy, its like principal of college and node manager are the class teacher of college and principal knows which teacher is free. So it asks node manager to run that task(small fraction of entire job) in the container i.e. memory area such that jvm. So the job is run as an application master inside the container.


Container is a place where the application runs its task.If you want to know the total no.of running containers in a cluster, then you could check in your cluster Yarn-Resource manager UI.

Yarn URL: http://Your-Active-ResourceManager-IP:45020/cluster/apps/RUNNING

At the 'Running containers' column, the total no. of running containers details is present.

Note: If you are using spark, then the spark executors would be running inside the container. One container can accommodate multiple spark executors.


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I run the basic example of Hortonworks' yarn application example. The application fails and I want to read the logs to figure out why. But I can't find any files at the expected location (/HADOOP_INSTALL_FOLDER/logs) where the logs of my mapreduce jobs are stored.

Does anybody know where yarn stores the non-mapreduce log files? Do I have to configure a special directory in the xml files?

Jacek Laskowski
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Yarn Limit Size Of Error Log In Firefox

2 Answers

The container logs should be under yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs:

Yarn Resource Manager Logs

Where to store container logs. An application's localized log directory will be found in ${yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs}/application_${appid}. Individual containers' log directories will be below this, in directories named container_{$contid}. Each container directory will contain the files stderr, stdin, and syslog generated by that container.

Remus RusanuYarn Limit Size Of Error LogRemus Rusanu
251k32 gold badges365 silver badges494 bronze badges

Log-aggregation has been implemented in YARN, because of which the log file locations will vary when compared with Hadoop 1.

You can get the logs of your application in two ways, WebUi and Command line access.

Please go through the below document which gives you a very clear information on this log-aggregation implementation on YARN.

Thanks to the blog author, Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli.

Kiran GKiran G

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