Adafruit Motor Shield 1,7a

Posted on by  admin

I'm using the Adafruit Motor Shield v2.3. I'm powering the Arduino with a USB cable and I'm powering the motor shield with a 9 volt battery.

  1. Adafruit Motor Shield Code
  2. Adafruit Motor Shield 2.3

I removed the vin pin, and I'm using this tutorial/code to make the DC motor spin.

I've tried 3 different kinds of DC motors, but none of them will do anything. The Arduino works for normal sketches, like lighting up LEDs, but I can't get the motors to work.

V1: They, from Adafruit, design for a full-featured motor shield that will be able to power many simple to medium-complexity projects. 2 connections for 5V hobby servos connected to.

Any ideas?

Edit: I'm using Adafruit's 'Motor Test' code from the Motor Shield v2 library, as shown below. The motor is on port 1.

Adafruit Motor Shield Code


3 Answers

A couple of things I see..

1.)Sonic adventure 2 online multiplayer mod. Your motor leads may be shorting out of the housing of the motor. make sure they are not.

2.) You may have the motor on the wrong port for the given code:

Adafruit Motor Shield 2.3

Adafruit Motor Shield 1,7a

On line 7 of the code it reads: AF_DCMotor motor(4);

So try switching physically your motor to port 4.

3.) Also, this board has an I2C address and I dont see that addressed anywhere in the code. You can check to see what the I2C address is with this code. It will also show you that the motor control board is indeed responding.


Per the comments above, and the documentation from Adafruit, a 9V battery is insufficient for use with motors as they do not provide enough current.

Jake CJake C
Adafruit Motor Shield 1,7a

I see that this is still not working even with a proper battery. My next best guess is you need to update your library:

Judging by 2009 and AFMotor.h you have a copy of an old version of the library. I recommend getting the latest version and following the official tutorial.

Jake CJake C

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